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about us

Amphibian Stage Productions seeks to produce innovative and engaging works of theatre that challenge the way we see the world around us.

We envision a future in which Amphibian Stage Productions is a nationally recognized regional theatre with a diverse and growing audience of theatergoers who are excited to see our work.

We believe that theatre has the ability to forge a unique dialogue between performers and audience members.  We desire to infuse new energy into this important art form.

KevinKline2-lrg“Across the country it is the small local theatres like Amphibian Stage Productions that are serving their immediate community with daring, cutting-edge, and extremely entertaining theatre.  Here, homegrown audiences and artists gather and connect with each other, with their humanity, their history and their future.  We should watch them closely, embrace the risks they take and support the continuance of their efforts.”

Kevin Kline – Amphibian Supporter     


about_us_imageAmphibian Stage Productions is a non-profit theatre company founded in 2000 by three alumni of TCU’s Department of Theatre who strive to produce innovative and engaging works of theatre that challenge the way we see the world around us.  Now in its fifteenth season, Amphibian has produced numerous groundbreaking and challenging plays (some regional premieres, others US or world premieres) that foster a deeper understanding of ourselves as members of the global community. The company is widely recognized for its stylistically and thematically varied scripts.

Committed to nurturing young and diverse audiences, Amphibian has developed a strong internship program, a summer acting workshop for teens, and a dynamic outreach project, Tad-Poles, that is steadily increasing the company’s visibility and following.  The group travels to schools and community centers, performing and spreading a message of multicultural collaboration and tolerance. 

Amphibian is generously funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Texas Commission on the Artsthe Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, Ann L. & Carol Green Rhodes Charitable Trust, Amon G. Carter FoundationAlcon Foundation, the Nell V. Bailey Charitable Trust, Wells Fargo Bank, Mrs. Betty J. Sanders, Hattie Mae Lesley Foundation, The Rug Company, Out of Nowhere Website Design, Bates ContainerPier 1 Imports, and the Devonian Society, a group of Amphibian’s devoted donors who are proud to be the force behind nurturing the next generation of artists and audiences.